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Corns & Calluses

When we walk or stand, our body weight is carried first on the heel and then on the ball of the foot, where the skin is thicker to withstand the pressure. When this pressure becomes excessive, some areas of skin thicken in the form of corns, calluses & blisters. This is a protective response to the body’s reaction to the friction of skin rubbing against a bone, shoe or the ground.


How do I prevent it?

If you have a corn or callus, gently rub with a pumice stone when you’re in the bath and apply moisturising cream to help remove the thickened skin.

What are the treatments?

It is best not to cut corns yourself. One of our podiatrists will be able to reduce the bulk of the corn painlessly, applying padding or insoles to relieve pressure or fit corrective appliances for long-term relief. For calluses, we can remove hard skin, relieve pain and redistribute pressure with soft padding, strapping or corrective appliances which fit easily into your shoes. The skin should then return to its normal state.


Blisters are painful, fluid-filled lesions produced by friction and pressure. They can be caused by ill-fitting footwear, stiff shoes, wrinkled socks against the skin, excessive moisture or foot deformities.


Is it serious?

Blisters can become a serious concern if you have diabetes and may not heel so easily.

How do I prevent it?

As blisters are the result of friction. There are a number of simple techniques that can prevent your walking, running or social activity being ruined by a blister. Keep your feet dry, and your toenails trimmed. Always wear socks of the right size as a cushion between your feet and footwear and change your socks daily. Wear comfortable, good-fitting footwear and check your feet regularly for any sign of rubbing and tenderness.

What are the treatments?

It is important to act immediately if you feel any friction or discomfort as blisters can form very quickly. Stop walking or running and examine your feet and if nothing has developed. Consider applying some material or padding to cushion the area or even a breathable waterproof plaster.

If a blister does occur, do not pop it. Cut a hole in a piece of felt to form a doughnut over the blister. Tape the felt in place or cover with a soft gel dressing. Treat an open blister with mild soap and water. Cover it with an antiseptic ointment and a protective soft gel dressing to prevent infection and speed up the heeling process.

Most blisters last between three and seven days and will normally clear up if further excessive friction is avoided.

AA Podiatry offer specialist treatment options to customers suffering from corns, calluses and blisters in Glasgow.

We also offer Wax Therapy!

The paraffin wax heat therapy increases blood flow, tolerance of pain, relaxes muscles and will increase hydration of the skin. By helping to soften and moisturise the skin it will provide a healing therapeutic effect to sore or aching joints.

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